In collaboration with UK charity Pond Conservation, myAcorn have developed an online GIS, supported by Natural England through Defra's Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund. The website enables users to find out which pond-associated Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species occur at any site in England, which such species occur near existing mineral sites and also provides users with advice on pond creation for pond-associated BAP species.
The project demonstrates the use of dynamic maps to display information on the spatial distributions of species and habitats that may have potential for pond creation. Data layers displayed include
The website contains simple navigation tools to enable users to pan, zoom and return to previous map extents with ease. In addition, specially customised search tools allow users to click on a geographic location or aggregate site of interest and to return lists of species and aggregate sites within a 1km or 5km radius of that location.
In addition to the spatial content, species profiles containing short descriptions of each species and key points to consider when creating ponds for them are also included in the website. These profiles were compiled by Naomi Ewald of the University of Sussex with advice from specialists on the BAP species.